Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My new FSG!!

Herbal Infusion:
1 cup distilled water
3 dried hibiscus flowers
1 teaspoon dried rosemary leaves
1 teaspoon dried plantago (plantain) leaves
1/2 teaspoon slippery elm bark powder

Bring water and herbs to boil. Reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes. Strain through cheesecloth lined wire mesh strainer twice. You can keep the herbs used for another batch or throw them away.

1 cup distilled water
2/3 cup aloe vera juice
1/4 cup flax seeds
2 tsp avocado oil
1 tsp xanthan gum

To herbal infusion pan add 1 cup water, aloe vera juice, and flax seeds. Bring to boil, reduce heat
and simmer 15 minutes. Strain in wire mesh strainer. (This won't get
frothy like normal FSG but will get thick)
Pour into blender. Cover and start on low, switch to high. Pour in avocado oil, then slowly pour in xanthan gum. continue blending 1-2 minutes.

Makes 11-12 ounces.
Poo: SheaM Y&B shampoo
L/I: DB Pumpkin
C/E: FSG & FSG/Re:coil/DB pumpkin
Gel: GF Pure Clean gel

Shampoo like usual at beginning of shower
Rinse upside down, finish shower
rake in L/I but no more than necessary (once per section)
2 dollops FSG (palmfuls) scrunched in
1 half dollop (half dollar) FSG + dime re:coil + half dime db pumpkin, emulsify
super soaker 5 times
plop with first FSTowel, get dressed
Remove first towel then palm scrunch in 2 quarter size of GF pure clean gel
plop with new towel making sure to lift head from towel and pull nape hair up

Monday, October 4, 2010


5th recipe(s):

FS Creme:
6 Tbsp FSG base
1/2 Tbsp shea butter

FS Hold Gel:
6 Tbsp FSG base
1 Tbsp Agave Nectar
1/8 tsp EV Coconut Oil

Cowash: BioInfusion Rosemary Mint
Condish: NG Hemp Condish
Curl Enhancer: FS Creme
Hold Gel: FS Hold Gel
Plop 1 hour
Pixie-Diffuse 90% Dry

Good curl formation, a little better hold than recipe #4. Going to add honey to the mix. Fun with ratios woohoo! It's not dry yet will edit when done.

Flax Seed Creme... week of 9/26-10/2 2010

So I decided to try shea butter, turns out my hair does like it. I'm keeping track of the brand and type of honey because I do think it makes a difference. The first time I tried honey it was a dud for hold. I used some from either Walmart or Ambrosia's wildflower it's been at least 4 months and I wasn't keeping track of it then.

First recipe: (FS Creme)
4 Tbsp base flax seed gel
1 Tbsp shea butter
1 Tbsp honey (Rice's clover)

Cowash/Condish: BioInfusion Rosemary Mint
Curl Enhancer: Flax seed creme
Hold gel: Biotera styling gel
Air dry

I used almost the same amount of FScreme as I do FSG (approx 1oz). I had amazing hold and a lot of curl formation, more than FSG ever gets. Once it dried it was crispy, more crispy than BRHG. SOTC was tough to do, it was too crispy, some just didn't scrunch out. It was also slightly greasy looking, not wet greasy though so it was livable.


2nd recipe: (FS Creme)
Decided to add more FSG (2Tbsp) to the FS Creme that was made.

Cowash/Condish: BioInfusion Rosemary Mint
Curl Enhancer: FSG
Hold gel: FS Creme (with added 2 Tbsp FSG)
Pixie-Diffuse Dry

Great curl formation but again a little crispy, not as bad as 9/26. Thinking maybe 1/2 Tbsp honey?


3rd Recipe: (FS Creme)
1 Tbsp shea butter
1/2 Tbsp honey (Rice's clover)
6 Tbsp base FSG
Air Dry

9/30/2010 & 10/1/2010
Cowash/Condish: BioInfusion Rosemary Mint
Curl Enhancer: FSG
Hold gel: FS Creme
Air dry

Definately not enough hold. Raked in FSG. Not a lot of curl formation. Almost no crunch.


4th Recipe: (FS Creme)
1 Tbsp shea butter
2 tsp honey (Walmart clover)
6 Tbsp base FSG
Pixie-Diffuse Dry

Cowash/Condish: BioInfusion Rosemary Mint
Curl Enhancer: FSG
Hold gel: FS Creme
Air dry

Some hold, more than 9/30 & 10/1 not a lot though.


Thoughts after a week:

Curl Enhancer: FS Creme with no honey

Hold Gel: FSG w/honey

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Poo: Dr. Bronner's Castille Almond
Cowash: None
Condish: BioInfusion Rosemary Mint
Style: KCCC Cocktail, BRHG, JCAIS

Absolutely love the Dr. Bronner's. When the sulfate heavy shampoos are all gone the family is going to be using this as well. They'll get used to it I think.

Combed in KCCC Cocktail then scrunched with flour sack towel. Plopped up until dressed. Scrunched in BRHG and plopped for about an hour or so. Diffused dry, SoTC with JC Awe Inspiriling Spray. Big hair today.


Decided to try the soap bar poo everyone has talked about on I got Dr. Bronner's Almond liquid. Diluted it 1:1 with water, so runny have to be careful.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Went to Whole Foods to pick up a few things and grabbed a jar of KCCC, whole leaf AVJ, and AOHR that I've been wanting.

KCCC is a bit producty for me so I diluted it 2Tbsp with 2Tbsp AVJ. I put too much in (2 quarter sized) will have to try less next time.

AOHR, jury's still out on this. It's expensive and I'd rather it smell like honeysuckle than rose so probably just use it as a shaving cream.